Hi, I'm Tushar.

Thank you for visiting my website. Here, I post my thoughts on data science and HCI; summaries of papers I've read and talks I've watched; and reflections on other things that I read.

1237 words papers,

Self-reported measures of time spent online are known to be inaccurate compared to objective, server-log-informed measures. And while they’re each individually useful in predicting problematic effects online, little is known about how these two measures can be used alongside each other. This CSCW paper uses the open-source, open-data platform Lichess to study this.

776 words books,

“The world is awash with bullshit,” Carl Bergstrom and Jevin West write. What is it? How do we recognize it? How do we call it out when we see it? Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World, informs us on these questions.